Skin Treatment Services

Skinpen Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive skin rejuvenation procedure. SkinPen helps minimize the signs of aging. While improving the appearance of acne scars and rejuvenating aging skin.

Improving the appearance of acne scars and rejuvenating aging skin. The TCA Peel is a non-toxic chemical (trichloroacetic acid), that has been used to perform peels on the skin for 20 plus years.

Restore your natural complexion to its youthful radiance with our complete line of photorejuvenation treatment options. Our Medilux IPL is a medical-grade laser that is highly effective in the photo-rejuvenation process.

Laser Acne Treatment
About Face and Body offers Fotona laser acne treatments that safely penetrate your skin to target overactive glands.

Botox and Fillers
Discover the results that 11 million women and men have experienced with BOTOX and see for yourself the difference this popular treatment option makes. With real, noticeable results – and zero recovery time.

Tightening and Tight Sculpting
Give your skin the healthy glow it deserves while you reverse the visible signs of aging. The Fotona SP Dynamis enable us to tighten, tone, and rejuvenate skin, with unparalleled precision, while you undergo the most delicate and painless photo-light procedure on the market.

Radiant. Youthful. Glowing. These are just a few words to describe the feeling you get after a really good facial treatment. At About Face and Body, that feeling is now easier to get than ever.